Team managers

Thank you for being a Team Manager!

The Team Manager is an important role in the operation of any Ringette team. By taking on the operational aspects of the team, the manager enables the coach to focus on player development and on-ice instruction.

The beginning of the season is a busy time for the team managers. There is a lot to do to get the team off to a good start. The MDRA has created a few tools to help the season run smoothly:

Please contact the  MDRA President or MDRA Secretary if you would like to add additional information.

Season starter checklist

All resources listed in this table can be found below.


Due date

Person responsible



Find a manager buddy

Managers meeting


Experienced and inexperienced managers pair up. Before asking the manager coordinator about something, talk to your buddy.

Team manager paired up with another manager to answer questions and to solve problems that arise.

Establish good communication with the Head Coach

As soon as team is formed


Find out if the coach will manage the schedule and initiate communication with parents, or not.

Manager and Head Coach know their roles on the team.

Review MDRA Code of Conduct and Concussion policies with all players.

Code of Conduct done at registration electronically

Head Coach and Manager

Code of conduct forms need to be reviewed.

All parents or guardians and players agree to codes.

Read the MDRA Managers Guide and Policies

Before appointing team volunteers

Head Coach and Manager

MDRA Manager’s Guide and MDRA Policies on MDRA website. See also Rule of Two.

Manager and Head Coach understand all official MDRA policies.

Appoint the team Treasurer

As soon as team is formed


Choose someone who attends most games and practices. Cannot be related to or be a bench staff member.

Team treasurer identified.

Create the team budget and get approval from parents

Immediately after identifying team treasurer

Team Treasurer

Get input from the Head Coach, manager and parents. Decide on the number of tournaments the team will play. Review the MDRA Team Finances Policy. Utilize budget templates.

A team budget that respects MDRA policy and is approved by at least 75% of parents of team members.

Appoint two change room supervisors (den moms)

As soon as team is formed

Head Coach and Manager

Follow MDRA’s Change room Policy and rule of two. Have volunteers apply for police record check (VSC)

Two adult, female change room supervisors begin supervising the change room.

Select assistant coaches and trainer

As soon as team is formed

Head Coach

Get input from the MDRA VP Coaching.

Complete bench staff selected.

Ensure bench staff have up-to-date police checks

As soon a volunteers appointed

Manager, coaches, trainers and change room supervisors.

Apply before October 31. See MDRA Manager’s Manual for details

All persons interacting with the athletes need a vulnerable sector check. VSC added to RAMP profile.

Review Ringette Ontario Code of Conduct with all bench staff

Before the first game

Head Coach and Manager

Have bench staff sign Code of Conduct forms. Code of Conduct form is available on the MDRA website under Resources. Manager files completed forms.

All bench staff have understood and signed the code of conduct form.

Ensure that all bench staff information is up to date, have registered in RAMP and assigned to the team.

As soon as volunteers are appointed or selected

Manager, Head Coach, Assistant Coaches, Trainers, On-Ice Helpers, Den Moms.

This is not done through the app but through the registration portal. The link is found under Registration on the MDRA website.

Once member is registered, Head Coach can let know to assign them to their team.

Mandatory to be on the bench for all games and tournaments. Mandatory for den moms and on ice helpers.

Every member of the bench staff and volunteers involved with players must be registered in RAMP and upload VSC.

Appoint team tournament coordinator

As soon as team is formed


Be ready to book team tournaments and reserve blocks of hotel rooms as soon as the team budget is approved.

Team tournament coordinator confirmed.

Appoint social convenor

As soon as team is formed


Social convenor organizes 3-5 social events a season.

Social convenor confirmed.

Assign jersey carriers, one for yellow and one for blue

At the first practice


Record jersey numbers assigned to players. Remind players to care for jerseys. Remind players and parents they will be charged for lost or damaged jerseys.

Players have yellow and blue jerseys.

Ensure players with no name bars order them for their jerseys.

As soon as jerseys are distributed


Name bars are to be hand-sewn on the back of the jerseys.

Entire team has regulation jerseys with name bars.

Send approved team budget to MDRA treasurer for approval

Immediately after team approval of budget and before opening bank account

Team Treasurer and MDRA Treasurer

Needed before opening a team bank account

MDRA-approved budget

Open team bank account

Upon approval of the team budget

Team Treasurer and co-signer

Open a community bank account in the team’s name.

Team bank account

Team cheques

Register for all team tournaments and book blocks of hotel rooms. Act fast on this point, these can fill up very quickly!

Immediately after approval of the team budget

Team Tournament Coordinator or Manager

Tournaments and hotels fill up quickly. Applicable teams must register and pay for the MDRA tournament.

Tournament and hotels booked.

Ensure your team understands the Coach’s expectations for when to arrive before practices and games

Before first practice

Manager and Head Coach

Usually it’s 30 minutes before practices and 60 minutes before a game (especially for older girls), but each coach will have their own preference

Team expectations are clear.

Ensure your team understand the rules about men in the dressing room

Before first practice


Fun1 - ok

Fun2 - ok until Xmas

Fun3 and up- no men allowed unless all girls are dressed/ready to go on the ice; at least one woman should be in the room with the men

Change Room Policy is followed.

Ensure your team understands the rules around dressing room etiquette, i.e. there should always be at least TWO adult females in the room

Before first practice


As the girls get older, Coaches may ask parents to stay out of the dressing room as much as possible to create more space and to encourage the girls to be independent and interact with their teammates. Girls can either have their skates tied by one of the women in the room or leave the room to get their parent to tie them

Change Room Policy is followed.

Ensure score and timekeepers are trained

Before first game


See Managers Manual on RAMP Gamesheet App, time clock and shot clock details

Team is trained on how to use Gamesheets, game clock and shot clock.

Templates for managers

Supporting documents for managers

Mandatory forms

RAMP Registration

Join thousands of association partners using RAMP Registration Solutions.

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RAMP Official Assigning

#1 with Officials...for very good reasons.

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RAMP Websites

Manage your identity from the palm of your hand to the top of your desk.

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RAMP Team App

Keep your coaches, parents, athletes, and fans connected, seamlessly.

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